Friday, August 31, 2012

I am now (2012) ordained for 53 years, having "lost my mind" at age 23 to take on the mind of christ and live as a Benedictine monk. I stayed in vows for 16 years, and have now been married happily for almost 44 years. We are blessed with three childrena dn three grandchildren.

My ministry has been int he trenches, in the community, with interfaith social action, wedding ministry, many years work as a psychologist andpsychotherapist, and more recently enjoying my passion as a Spellbinder storyteller in our public schools See my homne page: .I am well versed int eh findings of the new braain research.

I welcome questions about faith adn morals. Principle (according to Thomas Aquinas) hyour own conscience must be your ultimate criterion. I have a number of other blogs on various aspects of health and spirituality and my ministries, to be found via my ome web pate.

I will attempt to answer queestinos withint 24 hours.